Thank you for your interest in The Dear Diary Process, I am Stuart Walter, The Creator and Author of this amazing process. I am very proud of it and I know that you will get great benefit from this.

The Dear Dairy Process is going through a transition at the moment and I have no soft copy books available at the moment. I am considering a totally integrated system now because will be far more powerful that way!

The eBook is very powerful, I have had incredible emails from around the world from people I do not know whose life has been transformed by this simple process.

The Dear Diary Process on the surface is very simple… ‘write today how tomorrow was’ yet the process has so many deeper programs and principles that it would blow your mind. I still find new methods to benefit from this process.

To get started, get the eBook and give it a go.

You may find yourself initially tentative about the process and the power it has, it is OK! We are not capable of negative change, so you are safe and protected in anything you write.

Over the last 7 years The Dear Diary Process has evolved and I have expanded the eBook into a self-paced interactive program. I have spoken to thousands around the world and I have spent lots of time explaining how to get more from the eBook alone, so I have documented this and added 25+ videos to introduce each section of the eBook and an additional DDP Workbook to direct you.

So now you are more informed and you can make the call for the eBook or the Program below